There were two categories of teens in the 1950s: those who could name one book by an atheist and those who could not. At age sixteen, I joined the small first category in 1958 after accidentally discovering Bertrand Russell’s “Why I am Not a Christian.” That single book formed the complete atheist wing of my local public library. I didn’t know anyone else without a God belief. More accurately, I didn’t know anyone who acknowledged such nonbelief. Russell transformed the lives of many in my generation. For the first time, we heard articulate arguments that confirmed and gave voice to our own lonely skepticism and doubts. Even some believers were led on a thoughtful journey toward altered religious and moral states.
There were two categories of teens in the 1950s: those who could name one book by an atheist and those who could not. At age sixteen, I joined the small first category in 1958 after accidentally discovering Bertrand Russell’s “Why I am Not a Christian.” That single book formed the complete atheist wing of my local public library. I didn’t know anyone else without a God belief. More accurately, I didn’t know anyone who acknowledged such nonbelief. Russell transformed the lives of many in my generation. For the first time, we heard articulate arguments that confirmed and gave voice to our own lonely skepticism and doubts. Even some believers were led on a thoughtful journey toward altered religious and moral states.
Today, Bertrand Russel has countless “nonspiritual” heirs. Most religious people have heard about or even read books that say God is a delusion and not great, that we have reached the end of faith, and that it’s problematic to believe in a demon-haunted world. Such godless books are gaining traction in our culture, so much so that some fundamentalists worry that Satan is winning.
Even a few of us atheists occasionally wonder if we live in a haunted world of demon technology. Of course, people considerably more technologically enlightened than l (that includes most humans) can better cast out technological demons. The only solution that works for me is turning off the computer and turning it on again. If that fails, I look for an outside expert. Friends still laugh about a problem I had with my first computer in the 1990s. When a colleague told me to look under the Apple, I picked up the whole computer and looked under it.
I must have come a long way because I now have my own website and blog to write about religion and atheism. I was faceless on Facebook until a friend gave me a face. There are now scores of humanist and atheist blogs in flavors from vanilla to hot pepper. In addition to creating blogs, people write comments on blogs. In that sense, everybody can become a published author. But just like nuclear power, the Internet can be used for good or evil. I don’t believe in eternal life for humans, but humiliating and degrading comments about innocent victims seem to last in cyberspace hell for eternity.
A real Apple computer has something in common with the mythical Garden of Eden apple. Knowledge and freedom require a sense of responsibility. There may not be any Internet commandments, but groups have do’s and don’ts. Free speech is encouraged, but people are often restricted from sites if they engage in personal attacks instead of sticking with issues.
In some ways, atheists and humanists have learned from successful religious models. Religions have long known how to organize communities. Atheists have been so proud of being independent thinkers that bringing them together used to seem as difficult as herding cats. Times have changed, and there are many atheist and humanist communities locally and nationally. They meet in person or meet only on Meetup, with lots of opportunities for atheists to talk to one another and to religious people. The Secular Coalition for America, of which I’m president, includes 19 national atheist and humanist organizations. Regardless of theological views, most people want to feel part of a community.
Skeptic that I am, I also see potential dangers in community. I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish community, and almost never heard outside points of view. I “learned” that Jews are the chosen people and we should not trust Goyim (Gentiles). There are still such restricted sects among many religions, nationally and internationally. Fortunately, the Internet affords more diversity for those who seek it. On the other hand, committed believers (whether in astrology, psychics, tarot cards, or religion) look for and focus only on (true or false) information that supports their beliefs, while overlooking or downplaying contradictory evidence. This is known as confirmation bias. Atheists are also vulnerable to this, but less so because being able to change one’s mind when evidence warrants is a central value for most atheists.
It’s a different world from the 1950s. The Internet has probably been the single most important factor in empowering young people with inquiring minds to learn about the many choices for religious belief or non-belief. Those who doubt religious claims no longer need to search randomly in a library or rely exclusively on information from within small communities. The figurative genie is out of the bottle, and it’s out for good. Atheists are here to stay and, in fact, we’re growing. No matter how hard religious and social conservatives strain to put the genie back in the bottle, they will not be able to pray the atheists away.
Today, Bertrand Russel has countless “nonspiritual” heirs. Most religious people have heard about or even read books that say God is a delusion and not great, that we have reached the end of faith, and that it’s problematic to believe in a demon-haunted world. Such godless books are gaining traction in our culture, so much so that some fundamentalists worry that Satan is winning.
Even a few of us atheists occasionally wonder if we live in a haunted world of demon technology. Of course, people considerably more technologically enlightened than l (that includes most humans) can better cast out technological demons. The only solution that works for me is turning off the computer and turning it on again. If that fails, I look for an outside expert. Friends still laugh about a problem I had with my first computer in the 1990s. When a colleague told me to look under the Apple, I picked up the whole computer and looked under it.
I must have come a long way because I now have my own website and blog to write about religion and atheism. I was faceless on Facebook until a friend gave me a face. There are now scores of humanist and atheist blogs in flavors from vanilla to hot pepper. In addition to creating blogs, people write comments on blogs. In that sense, everybody can become a published author. But just like nuclear power, the Internet can be used for good or evil. I don’t believe in eternal life for humans, but humiliating and degrading comments about innocent victims seem to last in cyberspace hell for eternity.
A real Apple computer has something in common with the mythical Garden of Eden apple. Knowledge and freedom require a sense of responsibility. There may not be any Internet commandments, but groups have do’s and don’ts. Free speech is encouraged, but people are often restricted from sites if they engage in personal attacks instead of sticking with issues.
In some ways, atheists and humanists have learned from successful religious models. Religions have long known how to organize communities. Atheists have been so proud of being independent thinkers that bringing them together used to seem as difficult as herding cats. Times have changed, and there are many atheist and humanist communities locally and nationally. They meet in person or meet only on Meetup, with lots of opportunities for atheists to talk to one another and to religious people. The Secular Coalition for America, of which I’m president, includes 19 national atheist and humanist organizations. Regardless of theological views, most people want to feel part of a community.
Skeptic that I am, I also see potential dangers in community. I was raised in an Orthodox Jewish community, and almost never heard outside points of view. I “learned” that Jews are the chosen people and we should not trust Goyim (Gentiles). There are still such restricted sects among many religions, nationally and internationally. Fortunately, the Internet affords more diversity for those who seek it. On the other hand, committed believers (whether in astrology, psychics, tarot cards, or religion) look for and focus only on (true or false) information that supports their beliefs, while overlooking or downplaying contradictory evidence. This is known as confirmation bias. Atheists are also vulnerable to this, but less so because being able to change one’s mind when evidence warrants is a central value for most atheists.
It’s a different world from the 1950s. The Internet has probably been the single most important factor in empowering young people with inquiring minds to learn about the many choices for religious belief or non-belief. Those who doubt religious claims no longer need to search randomly in a library or rely exclusively on information from within small communities. The figurative genie is out of the bottle, and it’s out for good. Atheists are here to stay and, in fact, we’re growing. No matter how hard religious and social conservatives strain to put the genie back in the bottle, they will not be able to pray the atheists away.