My LTE in the July 30 Charleston Post and Courier.
Wrong message
Posting the Ten Commandments in government buildings allies the government in an official way with two creeds, Judaism and Christianity, and sends an unmistakable message to Americans who follow another or no religion that they are second-class citizens.
Most people seem to believe the 10 Commandments are among the finest guidelines for a virtuous life. But few can name them all.
The first four are religious edicts that have nothing to do with ethical behavior. They describe how to worship and pay homage to a jealous and vindictive God.
The 10th Commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, wife, slaves, ox, donkey, or any other property,” condones slavery and treating women as property.
These commandments, meant to be the cornerstone of an ethical and moral life, are notable for what they omit. Instead of condemning covetousness and threatening to punish children if their parents do not worship in the correct way, why not condemn slavery, racism, sexual assault, child and spouse abuse, and torture?
Wrong message
Posting the Ten Commandments in government buildings allies the government in an official way with two creeds, Judaism and Christianity, and sends an unmistakable message to Americans who follow another or no religion that they are second-class citizens.
Most people seem to believe the 10 Commandments are among the finest guidelines for a virtuous life. But few can name them all.
The first four are religious edicts that have nothing to do with ethical behavior. They describe how to worship and pay homage to a jealous and vindictive God.
The 10th Commandment, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, wife, slaves, ox, donkey, or any other property,” condones slavery and treating women as property.
These commandments, meant to be the cornerstone of an ethical and moral life, are notable for what they omit. Instead of condemning covetousness and threatening to punish children if their parents do not worship in the correct way, why not condemn slavery, racism, sexual assault, child and spouse abuse, and torture?